Why work with an agent?
Always work with a qualified insurance agent. Here’s why.
There is NO cost to you and you benefit from the agent’s years of experience. Insurance companies compensate agents to help you choose the right plan for now, and assist you in making future plan changes. Agents can also help with claims and billing problems.
Remember, millions of new Californians are being added to the insurance system, many for the first time, and often with pre-existing medical conditions. Imagine how busy the insurance company’s toll-free service line is and how long you must wait to talk with a live person. In fact, during the initial open enrollment period, phone waits were often 1-2 hours.
In the future, you may not even be able to speak with a person. Insurance companies may required you to use an email customer response system to meet the huge demand for services.
It appears that working with a licensed, qualified health insurance agency, like Bob Hopper Insurance Services, is the clear choice!